
Design of Ventilation Concepts for Sars-CoV-2 Infection Reduction

Viruses ar attached to aerosol particles. Evidence was provided that 80% of aerosol particles exhaled during breathing, speaking and coughing are smaller than 1microns with 99,9% being smaller than 5 microns. This leads to the fact that the transport of viruses in a room is completely airborne.

The effectiveness of meassures to minimize an infection risk are

  • how exhaled aerosol particles of an infectious person spread in a room
  • how fast aerosol particles can be reduced in the occupied zone.

This can be achieved with an improved (natural) ventilation system or mobile air cleaner.

The special tracer gas technique of TracerTech and the deep knowledge make it possible to monitor the flow path of exhaled potential viruses, to improve with this information the ventilation effectiveness and to select the best ventilation strategy for infection risk minimization.