Calibration Gases

Different Tracer Gases

Calibration Gases can be ordered for SF6 and four Perfluorocarbon types: PMCP, PMCH, m-PDMCH and PFMD.6 und vier Perfluorocarbon Tracer PMCP, PMCH, m-PDMCH und PFMD geliefert werden.

Gases are delivered in 1 liter lecture bottles with 200psi and 1/8" Swagelok connector.

Preis für SF6 Kalibriergase: pro Gasflasche 610€ netto zzgl. Versand Preis für PFT-Kalibriergase auf Anfrage

Chemical and physical properties of available PFT gases

Available calibration gases, all gas mixtures in ultra pure air

all calibration gases traceable to NIST*.

*National Institute of Standards and Technology

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